
Tips to Stay Healthy Despite Fasting for More than 12 hours.

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For all those who are now entering the month of fasting, I wish you all Happy Fasting. This time, I had a variety of tips that we stay healthy during Ramadan, although we are fasting for more than 12 hours. And, all of this tips is according to my experience while fasting in Ramadan.

1. Go to bed on time

If you want to implement suhoor on time, you have to try to get to sleep on time. If you're not sleep on time, you will be exhausted and it's hard to wake up suhoor on time. If necessary, install an alarm with a loud sound from your smartphone or your alarm clock. Alternatively, you can ask the people closest to remind you to get up suhoor. Like, your parents or your future husband/future wife (for singles) or your husband/wife (for married couples).

2. Complex carbohydrate, protein, fibers, and water

Eat suhoor that contains complex carbohydrates, protein, and fibers. Complex carbohydrates can help withstand full more than 6 hours. Examples of foods that contain complex carbohydrates are potatoes, maize, cassava, oatmeal, dates, whole wheat bread, and rice (both brown rice and white rice). Protein and fibers, like fish, eggs, beef, vegetables and fruits, is also helps keep your stamina during fasting. And, don't forget some waters to keep you rehydrate during fasting.

3. No greasy food 

Greasy food? Big NO NO!!! It will only make your red blood cells to clot, causing reduced oxygen flow 20 percent. Consequently? You'll be fast asleep during the day while fasting. I own outright cured, because eating too much greasy food at suhoor. Ugh... -_-'

4. Don't engage in strenuous activity

Very strenuous activity will make you too tired and your immune system decreases during fasting. Instead, you have to limit your physical activity and not too long under the sun, so that your fasting is not invalidated because of fatigue.

5. Break fasting in sufficient quantities

Don't eat too much when you break fasting. If you do that, your stomach feels cramped due to the smaller stomach and digestive enzymes are reduced. You better drink a few sips of water before Maghrib prayer. Then, you may be a little eating sweet foods and a great meal after Tarawih prayer (commonly, Tarawih prayer conducted several hours after Maghrib prayer). I already try that and it totally works.

6. Exercise before sleep

Instead of exercising in the morning when we are fasting or exercise a few minutes before sunset, the better you exercise at night before going to sleep after a big meal. This is done, so that your stomach is not overly full when you sleep and your metabolism is maintained. You can do some mild exercise, like push up, sit up, or walking for 15-20 minutes.

I hope my tips really helpful for you. Thank you and enjoy! Wasalammu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
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