
Review: Jakarta Islamic Fashion Week 2013

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Today, I'm going to make an article about my review about Jakarta Islamic Fashion Week 2013 on Jakarta Convention Center in Cendrawasih Hall. Actually, the events is held for 5 days. But, I'm coming at Day 4. Because, I want to be there after finishing my music school. When I first came in, I am so excited about it!!! Especially, if there is any cute dresses, etc. When I first set foot there, I bought a ticket for Rp 15,000. I also get a shopping voucher from Wardah Cosmetics and a postcard from Wardah Cosmetics, free of charge!

(I'm taking these pictures after I got home. -_-')

There are so many great design from many famous Indonesian designer in their expert in contemporary Muslim clothes. One of the is in these pictures that I've taken before I'm coming inside.

Isn't that cool? :D Anyway, the first booth that I come in was Muse 101. But, I didn't find anything interesting there. So, I tried to find another booth that I think there are just outside. But,...not at all! :D When I went in to Cendrawasih Room, my heart was pounding and I'm smiling very widely. There are so many booth that I never believe there are so many edgy, feminine, cute, and some of the design is having Indonesian traditional touch. The first booth that I approached is from one of my favorites Muslim designers, Dian Pelangi. But, when I went there...it was really crowded! -_-'

But, before I've taking these pictures, I could look cute dresses, hijab with a cool design, and a variety of blouses, pants, and skirts that I really want to buy. Unfortunately, my money is not enough to buy it. :'( So, I just taking the picture of that booth. After that, I went to the Moshaict (Moslem Fashion District) booth.

There are so many cute dresses, blouses, jumpsuits, skirts, pants, and especially hijabs and the undercaps. But when I was looking through the items and asking the price on one of the women who take care of the booth, I had to bite my fingers because my money is simply not enough to buy the stuff. :'( So I went to another booth that right in the front of Moshaict booth, Elzatta.

Many scarves that makes my heart pounding, because I want to bought almost all the scarves!!! From bergo (instant hijab) scarves, square scarves, long scarves, pashminas, and there are some blouses and dresses. But, again... . I'm just looking around and not to bought it. Because,...you know what. -_-' So, I'm just taking another picture. After that, I went to Hijup booth.

You know what I was thinking when I saw Hijup booth??? My mind was blown up and I said in my mind NO WAY!!! My favorite online shopping booth is in here??? Man! I AM so excited!!! I saw so many cute dresses, blouses, and pants. Unfortunately, I'm just looking around and tried to not looking the prices (although, I actually did. I could only sigh when I saw it...). So, I'm just taking a picture of the booth. And, then I'm trying to find Kupu Kipas booth. The online store that sells fans made from lace and batik. Finally,...I found it!

Those fans are so cute and edgy, that I really want to have one. But, foolishly I'm not asking how much the price. Because, the women that taking care of the booth is cleaning the mirror at the booth and I didn't dare to asking her! -_-' However, that doesn't mean that I can't taking a picture of that booth. Right? :D Anyway, I went to the Mexitalia booth after that.

There are so many cute accessories. Brooches, hijabs, headbands, pins, and also I found volumizing hair scrunchies on that booth! But, I only could bought some brooches that really caught my heart. It's a bow brooches! I also get some promo. Buy 2 get 1, free! :D I also taking a picture for that booth.

Aren't those brooches cute? :D Actually, there is another exhibitions on Jakarta Convention Center. But for me, the most crowded exhibitions in in Jakarta Islamic Fashion Week. Because, it's almost Ramadan and there are so many Indonesian people bought some dresses, accessories for hijabs, and etc. for their preparations of Eid Mubarak. So, that was make sense if Jakarta Islamic Fashion Week is the most crowded exhibitions in Jakarta Convention Center.

You wanna know, who is my another favorite Indonesian Muslim designer? Well, it's Ria Miranda.

Actually, I started to like pastel colors like mint, dusty pink, and peach is right before I breakup with my ex-boyfriend and right before I'm wearing hijab. But, because Ria Miranda I started to love her collections since I saw her collections in Sophie Martin Indonesia catalogue. Especially, for the dresses and blouses. Unfortunately, I'm just looking around and trying to looking for Webe Bags booth. And,...yay! I found it! :D

There are sooooo many cute bags. :D And what makes the bags is so unique is those bags have weaving patterns made from velvety material. But because I'm too tired to walking around and my legs are sore, I had to get out of the room. Before that, I'm taking a picture of that booth. :P When I want to exit Jakarta Convention Center, I was looking for Wardah Cosmetics booth.

And, you know what? That booth is the MOST crowded booth in Cendrawasih Hall! I wish I could buy blush, some lipsticks, and cream foundation. But, I almost crying because my money is simply not enough to bought that! :'(

But, I enjoy to looking around those exhibitions. I'm really proud as a Muslim, the growth of Muslim fashion in Indonesia and also world is increasing very fast. Though it's stylish, but it's still abide by religious rules. I know there are so many protests from some people, that for them Muslim fashion today is not in accordance with the rules of Islam. But, for me it's not like that. For me, Muslim fashion today is still in accordance with the rules of Islam. Because, there's a beauty and also modesty in Muslim fashion today.

I love my religion and I love Allah, but that doesn't mean I can be too fanatical about my religion. Allah wants us as His people to live our lives with a reasonable thing, but still have to be thankful to Him. Until now, I'm still learning about Islam for more in depth again. I still remember what my extended family ever taught me. They said, "You may do anything you like, as long as it is positive. But, you shouldn't forget about your religion."

What they say is true and it makes senseBut, it all really depends on each individual. I don't want and don't like to judge others to force them to stop commenting on someone with words that they think is right, but in the wrong way and continuously. Okay?

So, ladies and other bloggers, I hope you like this blogs about my review and I also hope you enjoy to read it. Assalamualaikum!

How to Deal with Haters/Bullies/Swagger/etc.

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Assalamu'alaikum, everybody...

I know what you guys think, when you read the title of this blog. But to be honest, we've been all there. Right? Haters, Bullies, Swagger, Gossipers, Racist... You name it. These people never ending to torment us with their words and the lies that they give to the world (especially, for Muslims). Have you ever heard the proverb: "the tongue is sharper than a sword"? Well, for those negative people, their tongue is their weapon. Unfortunately for some people who felt quite sensitive to what people say, they seemed powerless to deal with people like that and they just cry until they have to feel down, because the talk of the people around them whose words tend to be negative.

I have those experience to, since I was still in primary school. And, because of that I'm becoming an introvert girl. But when the first time I'm wearing hijab, I finally realized that I should change. Fortunately, I'm gonna telling you how I deal with the people like them based on my experience. But, before that I'm going to tell you some descriptions about these people.

What is the description some of these negative people?

A person/some people that simply cannot be happy for another person's success. So rather than be happy they make a point of exposing a flaw in that person.

A person/some people who is habitually cruel or overbearing, especially to smaller or weaker people.

A person/some people who like to live in luxury and boasting what they got.

A person/some people with a prejudiced belief that one race is superior to others.

How to deal with them?

1. Don't argue with them and perpetuate the problem!

Hello? Seriously? Why you want to waste your energy only for arguing with them? They will only make you piss off. Avoid them when they tried to confront you. If you try to serve them, to be honest nobody is going to be win. Like the proverb said: "Lost to ashes, win to charcoal". It's useless, if you serve them. They are more losers than you. Insulting people are no better than the people who are getting insulted. Trust me!

2. They are actually jealous and envy with you.

I know you might be asking: "Are you sure about this, Ninis?" Absolutely, yes! I still remember why my friends from my primary school, my high school, and also my college is always hate me, bully me, etc. I'm laughing when I remember those times, because I know the reasons why they do that to me. They're jealous and envy with me because I'm beautiful and smart (everybody including my Mom said that. and, I don't want to be brag about it). They fear that if they have to compete with me, because I'm so much better than them.

I don't want to ask them why they always do that to me. But basically, people like that will never get any kind of success. Alhamdulillah. :D And, they're making me like who I am now. I'm so grateful with them. Alhamdulillah. I don't want to know anything about them now. I just close my ears and moving forward.

3.  Don't be around that person all the time if you can't help it.

This is my problem until now. I live in my grandmother's house with my Mom and my little sister, because my parents can't bought a house. When my parents was divorced, the problem is getting bigger. My grandmother is always hassle me and my big family, blame us, and so on. Because of her, I always lazy to do anything, including to go to school. And, I'm not always confident to face anyone, especially if I have to meet my extended family. I can't stand to deal with her until I have always cried for her actions.

But, I always like to do something that I like. Traveling. I like to traveling with my Mom and my little sister. And, if I have a chance, I want to do that with my (future) husband. :P I don't want to think the way she thinks and always being around her. I just enjoy my traveling and think nothing.  :D

4. Keep being nice with them.

Vices rewarded with good (unfortunately, this all doesn't work for my grandmother). Do something unexpectedly nice to them, such as give them a present or going somewhere that they really want to go. If they're having some problems, jump in and give them a hand. Or, just say thank you when they're trying to insulting you again.

5. If they're making jokes about you, just speak up!

When you hear the jokes about your ethnicity or your religion, just say to them that you are not comfortable with their jokes. If they're always talking behind you, they're not your friends at all. Just be ready to responses any kind of racism, bullies, etc. If they're laughing behind you, well...I must say that they are the stupidest people in the world! You have to grateful of being who you are.

6. Just do what you like to do.

You want to get back at those who have hurt you? Do something, which they thought and they said that you would never be able to do it. If you succeed in whatever job you do and you love, they will definitely shut their mouth up and sorry for having hurt you. So, don't ever give up on your dreams that you have always wanted to achieve.

7. Leave it all to God.

Strong people won't tell the problem to the world, but they face the problem with a smile and a request for help to God. It's a little bit cheesy. But, that's the truth. If you feel you're facing a very severe problem, leave it all to God. Praying, reading scripture,...whatever makes you comfortable (of course) in accordance with the teachings of your religion. Do it all. I'm sure, slowly but surely wound in your heart will be close though it must leave a mark that you can't forget.

8. Whatever you're feeling right now, just smile.

Really? Yes. I remember what my professor in my first college was said: "If you're angry, just smile". Yep. He's right. And, it works for me. Only smile that can make your heart feels better, even if that smile is forced smile. With a smile, we will be more patient in the face of any event that became our ordeal.

I hope you like this blog and enjoy to read it. Thank you. Assalamu'alaikum!

Nikahi Aku Ketika Tiba Waktunya Kita Menjadi Satu (Indonesian Version)

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Ini kisah cintaku dengan seorang pria asing yang...well membuat aku jatuh cinta padanya karena Allah...

Sebut saja namanya Adam. Aku sudah berteman dengannya cukup lama, bahkan jauh sebelum aku memutuskan hubunganku dengan kekasihku yang terdahulu dan sebelum aku akhirnya memutuskan untuk memakai hijab. Dia adalah sahabat yang baik. Seorang pria dengan banyak kemampuan. Bermain musik, bernyanyi, memainkan gitar, bass dan drum. Dia memang sudah mempunyai sebuah band, namun belum berminat untuk bernaung ke sebuah label. Aku dan dia mempunyai banyak sekali persamaan. Mulai dari kesukaan kami terhadap musik, kami sama-sama penyuka warna biru, hingga asal kami yang dari keluarga yang broken home. Kami juga suka bercanda dan (sayangnya) kami sama-sama keras kepala.

Hanya hal ini yang membedakan kami: aku berasal dari Indonesia sedangkan ia adalah orang Amerika asli. Kami juga mempunyai kepercayaan yang berbeda. Aku adalah seorang Muslim sedangkan ia adalah keturunan Yahudi dan Protestan (ayahnya Yahudi, ibunya Protestan). Perbedaan umur kami juga cukup jauh. Aku lebih muda 11 tahun darinya. Tapi untungnya, kami sangat menjunjung tinggi toleransi. Bahkan, ia ingin tahu lebih banyak mengenai Islam karena dia memliki keinginan untuk masuk Islam dan dia juga sangat mengagumi kebudayaan Indonesia.

Ketika aku patah hati karena pengkhianatan yang dilakukan oleh mantan kekasihku, dia adalah orang pertama yang menghiburku. Dia juga sangat marah ketika mengetahui bahwa aku telah dikhianati oleh orang yang tidak pantas menerima hatiku. Saat itu ia mengatakan, "Biarkan saja dia mengkhianatimu. Sejujurnya, dia lah yang rugi karena mengkhianatimu. Kamu adalah wanita yang baik." Aku pun tersipu malu sehingga tidak mampu mengucap kata, selain terima kasih.

Dia juga terkejut melihat perubahan penampilanku yang mengenakan hijab. Ia bahkan sempat menyanjungku dan mengatakan bahwa aku lebih cantik ketika menggunakan hijab. Lagi-lagi, aku dibuat terdiam dan tersipu olehnya.

Hingga tiba waktu ketika ia menyatakan perasaannya padaku. Ia sangat terkejut karena aku tidak ingin lagi mencari kekasih.

"Sekarang, aku ingin mencari suami, bukan lagi kekasih."

Ia marah besar mendengar penjelasanku. Aku lupa bahwa ia memang phobia dengan hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan pernikahan atau komitmen sejenisnya (Gamophobia). Ini semua terjadi karena perceraian kedua orang tuanya. Namun, aku yang berpegang teguh pada keyakinanku terhadap pernikahan yang sudah jelas tertulis di Al-Qur'an, membuat kami kehilangan kontak selama beberapa waktu. Sayangnya, aku tidak berani menyampaikan hal itu padanya.

Suatu hari, ia meneleponku.

"Kupikir, kau tidak ingin berbicara denganku lagi.", kataku.

"Aku merindukan suaramu.", jawabnya.

Aku pun begitu.

Karena menyimpan rasa bersalah, aku meminta maaf padanya.

"Dengar, Adam. Aku minta maaf..."

"Minta maaf? Untuk apa?"

"Karena, aku mengatakan sesuatu tentang pernikahan."

Yang membuat aku sangat terkejut adalah dia melontarkan perkataan yang justru juga membuatku bingung.

"Hei. Seharusnya, aku yang minta maaf padamu. Karena, aku juga seharusnya menyadari. Suka tidak suka, suatu saat aku juga akan mengalami pernikahan. Aku ingin menikahimu, tapi tidak tahun ini. Nanti setelah aku mengejar karir musikku."

Tak kuasa aku membendung air mataku.

Aku hanya bisa berkata "Berjanjilah padaku, nikahi aku ketika kamu dan aku sudah sama-sama siap."

Ia kemudian menceritakan aku kepada kedua orang tuanya. Dan untunglah, mereka merestui hubungan kami. Memang, awalnya adik-adik Adam tidak menyukaiku karena aku adalah seorang Muslim. Ini sempat membuat Adam marah besar, melihat aku menangis karena di-bully oleh mereka. Tidak berhenti di situ saja. Mantan-mantan kekasih Adam juga berbondong-bondong menyerangku. Syukurlah, Adam dengan penuh kasih sayang membelaku. Ia bahkan mengatakan bahwa aku adalah calon istrinya, padahal ia bahkan belum melamarku.

Suatu kesempatan, aku menceritakan segala tentang aku dan kisah hidupku. Aku hanya takut bahwa suatu hari ia menyesal telah menikahiku. Aku tidak ingin ini terjadi. Aku ingin ia mencintaiku apa adanya.

Tapi, apa kalian tahu apa yang dia katakan???

Dengan penuh kasih sayang ia mengatakan, "Aku tak peduli bagaimanapun keluargamu. Aku juga tidak peduli dengan masa lalumu. Apa yang penting sekarang adalah kamu bukan orang yang sama dengan yang dahulu."

Aku menangis terharu, ketika aku mendengarnya. Aku sangat beruntung memiliki calon suami seperti dia. Ia mungkin memiliki penampilan yang urakan, tapi hatinya rupawan. Ia pun kini mempunyai penghasilan yang tetap. Kini, tiba waktunya aku memperkenalkan Adam ke kedua orang tuaku. Aku yakin, mereka juga akan memberikan restu kepada kami.

sumber: http://www.vemale.com/relationship/love/22302-nikahi-aku-ketika-tiba-waktunya-kita-menjadi-satu.html

Marry Me, When the Time Arrived We Become One.

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Let's call him Adam. I've been friends with her for quite a long time, even long before I decided my relationship with my ex-boyfriend and before I finally decided to wear the hijab. He was a good friend. A man with many abilities. Playing music, singing, playing guitar, bass and drums. He already has a band, but not interested to take shelter to a label. Me and him have a lot in common. Starting from our fondness of music, we are both like blue, so long as we are from a broken home family. We also love to joke and (unfortunately) we were both stubborn.

The only thing that sets us apart: I come from Indonesia while he was an American original. We also have different beliefs. I was a Muslim, while he was half-Jewish. Our age difference is also quite far. I was younger than him 11 years. But fortunately, we strongly uphold tolerance. In fact, he wanted to know more about Islam because he possess the desire to convert to Islam and he also greatly admire Indonesian culture.

When I was broken-hearted because of the betrayal of my ex-boyfriend, he was the first person to cheer me up. He was also very upset when I learned that I had been betrayed by people who didn't deserve my heart. At that time he said, "
Let him betray you. Because honestly, he was the one who lost for betraying you. You are a very nice lady." I was blushing and unable to say a word, other than thank you.

He was also surprised to see the changes that I look to wear the hijab. He had time and flattering to say that I am more beautiful when wearing hijab. Again, I was made speechless and embarrassed by it.

Until the time arrives when he expressed his feelings to me. He was very surprised because I didn't want to look for a boyfriend again.

Right now, I'm looking for a husband. Not a boyfriend."

He was furious to hear my explanation. I forgot that he did phobia with matters relating to marriage or commitment like (Gamophobia). This all happened because of his parents divorce. However, I'm sticking to my belief that the marriage is already clearly stated in the Qur'an, made us lose touch for some time. Unfortunately, I didn't dare to said that to him.

One day, he called me.

"I thought, you do not want to talk to me again.", I said.

"I miss your voice.", He replied. 

I was so. 

Because I still feel guilty, I apologize to him. 

"Listen, Adam. I'm sorry ..." 

"Sorry? For what?" 

"For saying something about marriage." 

What makes me very surprised was he just throws words also made me confused. 

"Hey. I'm the one who should say sorry to you. And, I also should have realized. Ready or not ready, one day I too will have a wedding. I want to marry you, but not this year. Later, after I pursue my music career." 

I could not repress my tears. 

I can only say "Promise me, marry me when you and I were both ready." 

He then tells about me to his parents. And fortunately, they approve of our relationship. Indeed, the brothers Adam initially did not like me because I was a Muslim. This could make Adam angry, saw me crying because bullied by them. It's not stop there. Adam's ex-girlfriend also attacked in droves. Thankfully, Adam lovingly defense me. He even said that I was his future wife, even though he has not proposed me. 

At an opportunity, I told him everything about me and my life. I'm just afraid that one day he regretted marrying me. I don't want this to happen. I wanted him to love me for who I am. But, do you know what he said???

Lovingly he said, "
I don't care about your family anyway. I also don't care about your past. What the most important now is you're not the same person as the first."

I cried when I heard it from him. I'm very lucky to have a future husband like him. He may look sloppy, but he has beautiful heart. He also now has a steady income. Now, it's time I introduced Adam to my parents. I'm sure, they will also give blessing to us.

source: http://www.vemale.com/relationship/love/22302-nikahi-aku-ketika-tiba-waktunya-kita-menjadi-satu.html 

Hijabi Heartbreaker